What are the office hours and how do I schedule appointments?
Appointments are available Monday thru Friday, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. You may schedule an appointment by calling 607.266.7800 during normal business hours.
What should I do in the event of an emergency?
Always call us at 607.266.7800 anytime day or night. After hours and over the weekend, our answering service will connect you with our on-call midwife. Please note, it is always an option to seek urgent medical care at the nearest hospital or urgent care facility in the event of an emergency.
Will the providers accept telephone calls during office hours?
The providers at OBGYN & Midwifery Associates of Ithaca generally do not have sufficient time to receive telephone calls during office hours. By minimizing disruptions to the appointments scheduled, your waiting time in the office is reduced. If you are calling about a problem which you think requires attention the same day, please give our receptionist concise information about the nature of the problem. Our on-call midwife will return your call in a timely manner.
Can I renew prescriptions by phone?
Routine prescriptions and authorizations for renewals should be requested by calling 607.266.7800, and choosing Option 3 from our voice menu. When calling for a prescription renewal please have the name and phone number of your pharmacy, name and dosage of the prescription you are requesting, and a phone number where you can be reached if we should have any questions. Controlled substances (those containing narcotic components) require an office visit and cannot be renewed over the phone.